Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Your's Truly

Truly Im yours. Hold up, what am I saying? Why should I be using those terms so freely? What is it about you, that gives me the liberty, to refer to myself as yours? Am I your property, have we signed some form of contract, an arrangement, some aggreement, that has made me utterly commit my all to you. And if so what are you doing on your part, that makes me feel that its ok being committed to you? Do we have some form of respect here, or are you my warden, and I your prisoner? I refuse to continue stating my loyalty and committment to you, if you aren't capable of giving this back in return. Do we have a partnership, and if so are we each dedicating committment, loyalty, communication, and support for one another. But if not, and this is a one way street, then I've found myself headed in the wrong direction, and need to make a right turn.

A right turn towards finding myself, and figuring out how I let myself be capable of being led away from all that I stand for. I am a proud woman. One who is able to stand in front of sheer power, and be judged knowing, that my all was giving in the name of the most high. That I am the descendant of what is real, and pure, and that the uttermost mercy and patience has been bestowed on me, because I have been guided in the right direction, and have been given the strength not to turn away from what is naturally difficult.Enough for me to be able to make it easy for myself, to give my all to, so if I am ordained to be committing myself to be truly anyone's, I am truly a servant of Allah.

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