Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thoughts of a Muslimah

Life of A Muslimah

Alhamdulilah, my deen has grown stronger through the years. However, I still am very cautious as to the many challenges I am faced with in today's society. I feel like I have to constantly tell people that I am not a terrorist...." Just because I cover my hair in wearing a hijaab, doesn't exactly mean that I am plotting to let something explode under my over garment"... I am an intellectual a person that's trying to make it through these harsh economic times, just like the next person. But I feel that I am not successful in going forward beyond the interview process, not because I have a degree and demand more money, but because I wear hijaab and you fear the unknown. So many times I hear myself saying..." I don't mind questions, because I'd rather someone asks then to assume and continue in their ignorance of what the newspapers have told them, or how the 5 o'clock news depicts Muslims. It has occurred to me time after time again, that I am defeated in this world, which keeps me grounded and devoted to my faith because it is divinely written that" After difficulty comes ease". Which is why I pray that my struggles and constant sacrifice are revealed when I meet with my maker- The Almighty-Allah, and make Dua' in asking him to let my face be brightened on the day of Judgement,and the records of my Deeds given to me in my right hand so that I can find my place in the hereafter on the day of YomaAkree, and I continue to forever be a servant of Allah and be rewarded in Paradise.

1 comment:

LadyJasmine said...

Allhamdulillah...I share the same thoughts on this beautiful and honest poem. This is the reality of it...of life. People have always feared what they don't understand, and are still living in a world of ignorance. Until they break free and recognize the truth the river will never be free to flow.
